Contact Us

When placing your order for delivery please be aware that the order must taken at that time.  Pellet prices and transporting costs are rising consistently, our goal is to move our product as quickly as we can to continue to get the lowest prices possible to as many customers as possible. Trucking has been extremely high and we have had great difficulty getting product delivered to us.

Once your form is submitted we will contact within 24 hours of the next business day. If you have not received a response within 2 days please resubmit your form as we always respond to our emails in a timely manner. Please remember if you are awaiting an email response to check your spam/junk mail. Also please note that with the high volume of requests that we get we often have to use 1 telephone line that comes up as blocked, so if you are awaiting a call please leave a number that WILL accept blocked calls.

Thank you in advance for your patience and most of all your loyalty to BT.


Submitting a contact form does not constitute an order. We will contact you as soon as possible with curent prices and availablity. Due to the high cost in our economy, the demand for alternative heating is overwhelming and unsustainable.

Please leave the best number you can be reached at between the hours of 9-4p M-F.

We deliver to most of CT & most of very Southern MA. I am sorry but, we do not deliver to Rhode Island or New York